Zugdidi Botanical Garden

Zugdidi Botanical Garden is a must-visit destination in Samegrelo region of Georgia, covering an area of 52 hectares (128.5 acres). Founded in 1840, it is one of the oldest and largest botanical gardens in the country, with over 1,000 species of trees, shrubs, flowers, and medicinal plants from around the world. The garden also boasts a picturesque lake, streams, and waterfalls, as well as several historic buildings, including a palace built by the Dadiani dynasty. Visitors can enjoy guided tours, relax in the serene natural surroundings, and learn about the scientific and cultural significance of the plants on display.

In summary, Zugdidi Botanical Garden is a lush and expansive garden featuring over 1,000 species of plants, a tranquil lake, and historic buildings. Visitors can explore the natural beauty and cultural significance of the garden while enjoying guided tours and relaxation.

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